Credit: @awelewacharles_ Twitter It's been peaceful these past months, My tempest of emotions is calm, it finally feels like I'm breathing again. I've found solace in myself and the idea of living, yes this is what I want. I've received the promises and seen visions of what lies ahead. A drop in the ocean, a glimpse into the future; awaiting the day it comes to fruition How, when, and where? These thoughts cloud my head Don't miss the signs he says, that's your mission. I open my ears and pray with my eyes open to see clearly, But I think I've clogged my tear ducts. Hence, the reason for these eye aches. I've listened too keenly, my ears are flooded with wax. Need to open the floodgates as soon as possible, Need a break from everything. A journey into a mental trance. Too tired to dream, pray or sleep. I just need some days off, I'll be back I promise.